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The King Lives

My love for music began in the womb. My earliest and happiest memories are of my mother and I singing together. We sang in the car, at the park, at the grocery store, at home cleaning (we did a lot of cleaning)…anywhere and everywhere. Often, when driving in the car, we belted out our favorite songs on the radio. We especially loved to sing songs by Elvis Presley. I, madly in love with him (as much as an eight-year old can be), remember asking my mom repeatedly at what age it is acceptable for us to marry. “Eighteen,” she replied. As a very literal eight-year old I fully expected for Elvis, when I turned the appropriate age, to arrive on my doorstep and carry me away to City Hall to get hitched. But it was not to be. My little heart broke the day he died.

The other day I had the opportunity to hear my wedding song, “Can’t Help Falling in Love” on a pair of Thiel speakers.

It was as if Elvis sang directly to me, in front of me. The sound, rich, pure and uncolored, in perfect sound reproduction – the way Elvis intended it to be. In an instant I became that joyous eight-year old girl singing with my mom in the back seat of our blue Volkswagen station wagon. Clearly a quality recording coupled with high-end speakers can result in a lifelike reproduction of recorded music and an intense emotional experience.

I had an opportunity to spend an afternoon with the legendary audiophile Brad Paulsen, now National Sales Manager for Thiel. Mr. Paulsen with 33 years of audio expertise with companies including Sooloos and Meridian, explained why Thiel speakers are so unique. The company is engineering driven and is a true innovator in driver design, acoustical constriction techniques and crossover design. What does this mean? The company is directed toward one end: to provide the most realistic sound reproduction possible.

I think Elvis and my mom (G-d rest her soul) agree. Thiel succeeds in its mission. The King lives.


Serving Atherton, Los Altos, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Woodside and

surrounding areas.

License # 886153


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